Day 29: One To Go!


Only one day left in the 30-day challenge. It'll be weird (as it always is) to not have to go in on Wednesday. In fact, with this 30-day challenge, I am trying to set up a regular schedule for yoga... Rather than my previous "casualness" with my practice. I'd like to go every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and (sometimes) Sunday. So it'll be weird not to go in on Wednesday...

But I have a massage scheduled. So I can't... At least not after work.

And speaking of work... I felt really sick this afternoon. I had sudden heat wave come over me as I was sitting at my desk. And I had felt kind of pukey all day already. So I decided to go home, and was planning on skipping yoga. But on the cab ride home, I had the windows open... And the heat wave disappeared, along with the nausea. I guess all I needed was some fresh air.

So, I finished my work at home and hit the 5:30pm class anyway. It was a tough class, as I still am having stomach-compression issues... But I did every pose, and went further in a few.

So despite it being really humid and feeling sick, I made it through.

And there's only one class left! Yay!


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