No Espresso Drinks?


So, I stroll over to the "D-Team" Starbucks this morning to get my double-tall soy latte. I have been enjoying Starbucks a lot lately because when you register you Starbucks card, they give you the soy for free. They don't charge you the extra cents for it. And that is very nice of them.

However, when I get to Starbucks, I see this on the door:

WTF? I can't make do with just coffee! I need espresso! This is almost as bad as that time a few weeks ago when I showed up and they didn't have any water in their system.. So they could only sell bottled drinks and food items.

I decided to just skip the drink this morning, and went ahead on to work. I will go back out to the Starbucks down the street to get my drink in a little while.


CelticBuffy said…
What's the problem with Starbuck's today? I read on someone else's post today that they couldn't get espresso either. Dang, wish I could remember whose blog that was on!
CelticBuffy, you probably read it on my Twitter!

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