Overheard: Starbucks Copley.

A husband and wife, in town from (likely) a town with no Starbucks (those mythical cities) are standing behind me in line at Starbucks.

"I don't understand," says the wife. "What's 'Medium?'"

"Well," says the husband, "It says they have 'Tall'... 'Grande'... And 'Venti.'"

"Where are you seeing that?" she screeches.

"It's on the board right there," he points out.

"I don't understand!" she says, again. "I JUST WANT A REGULAR COFFEE!"

"Well, then you want a 'Grande,'" he says.

"But is 'Grande' a 'Medium?'" she demands to know.

He sighs.

"Yes," he says. "'Grande' is a 'Medium.'"

"Well," she says, "I don't know that! I don't speak Spanish!"


Anonymous said…
This? Is classic.
Vanessa said…
Hilarious! Love overhearing great stuff like this!

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