Yoga Stoned = Lost Cell Phone.

I am not one for cell phones.

I RARELY ever use mine. I am much more an email girl. Last year, I started "texting" people using my cell phone. But for the most part, I just use my cell phone as an alarm to wake me up in the morning.

Or I did... Till this morning.

Apparently, I was so "stoned" after yoga last night, I left my cell phone in the cab I took home afterward. And the cab driver, after his shift ended at 11pm, decided to call my friends Frogger and Brainy from my phone... Since their's were two of the numbers I had most recently dialed. And both Brainy and Frogger thought something had happened to me, since some guy was calling them from my phone near midnight. He wanted to drop the phone off with them... But they didn't want to give him their home addresses. (Can't blame them. Random stranger calling late at night, wanting to come to the house?) And because I don't believe in landlines, my cell phone is the only phone I have and use. When I use it.

So now, I need a new phone. And I need to have all the people whose numbers I had in it before resend me their numbers.


Off to the Sprint store!


Anonymous said…
This is funny. It reminds me of when Brevitt left his phone in a cab somewhere in SF. The cab drive called me and I was very confused. He ended up getting it back though.

I guess it's a good excuse to get a new phone though. Get a pretty one so I can live through you!
Me said…
Yeah.. Unfortunately... I can't get a pretty one. In order to get a pretty one, I would have to commit to a two-year service plan. And I can't do that because I am moving to Canada in about 10 months.

So I am stuck with receiving a refurbished phone. Ugh.
Anonymous said…
Your friends didn't get the cab driver's phone number? If he tried to call and return it, he probably would give it back to you. If you remember the cab company, you can call them (even better if you know the cab number) - or see if your friends have the cab driver's phone number (from caller ID) and arrange to meet him in a public place. Or you could call your number repeatedly - he might pick up the phone. The latter is what happened to me when I left my phone in a cab earlier this year. I called my phone and he picked up, and drove the phone to me at Downtown Crossing. He had actually tried calling my parents to see if they had another way to get in touch with me. It was not sketchy at all, and I was so happy to have my phone back and not deal with getting people's numbers all over again.
Me said…
Yeah.. He kind of freaked my friends out. And I pay insurance on the phone.... So I just called Sprint and asked them to send me a new one.
Anonymous said…
you should get the instince phone from sprint. it is totall hot. just a thought.

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