Dear Massachusetts State Tax Dudes...

Dear Massachusetts State Tax Dudes:

Hey assholes! What's up?

I'd like to thank you for finally getting your shit together and assessing mine and The Husband's tax records from 2004. How kind of you to send us a bill, nearly four years later, informing is that we owed an additional $58 (and change) for gains on investments from that time period.

I'd like to further thank you (you lazy fuckers) for telling us that in addition to the $58 (and change) we owe, we are being penalized with an additional $20 in penalty fees for late payment on the gains we had no idea we still owed on from four years ago.

As to why it took you nearly four years to get your act together and confirm that we owed this extra money, I can't imagine... But good for you for finally getting off your asses and figuring it out.

And, in fact, I'd like to further extend my "kudos" to you fuckers... You caught us at a great time. Just keep in mind, though, that after next May, we won't be living in America anymore. So if you decide to finally get around to reviewing our returns from 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, please make sure you do it before then. Otherwise, you may be shit out of luck.

(Just wanted to give you a prompt "head-up" like you did for us on the 2004 tax fees we still owe... Oh, wait... No. You didn't. Fuckers!)

The check is in the mail.

Have a shitty day.

The Missus


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