The Frugal Missus: Day 1.

I was good today. I stayed within my $15 limit.

Coffee - $4
Waters At Yoga - $4
Total: $8

I forgot that I had to be at work earlier than usual today... So I couldn't make my own coffee at home and bring it with me. I didn't have time to. So I did have to stop off and buy some. But I skipped taking a cab home and walked instead.

Go me.


Anonymous said…
What kind of coffee do you make at home? I've been trying to get the GF to skip Starbucks as well, but she hasn't enjoyed any of the home stuff
Me said…
You know... I actually like Illy Espresso.

To me, espresso roasts are way stronger than coffee. And when you brew an espresso roast as coffee, you are making your coffee "European Style."

If you don't want to brew espresso as coffee, I recommend any coffee beans from Peet's. They have great roasts.

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